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About our goals and mission

Let's make the latest developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence serve humanity in the field of healthcare and the production of high-quality food products
Our goal is to make biochemical research more accessible by obtaining preliminary results of experimental data.

If the synthesis of peptide costs 230 Euro and up to 750 Euro for one peptide with 95% purification, then we offer a preliminary study of such a peptide for 2.49 Euro. Think more, pay less!

We are also developing a technology that allows not only to accelerate and qualitatively improve molecular developments, but also to build an efficient, low-cost production of the resulting drugs on an industrial scale.
Our Team
Science and experience go hand in hand in our team
  • Tatiana Koshlan
    PhD in Molecular Physics
    Master of Science in the field of biophysics and Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics with «The role of electrostatic interactions in the formation of protein complexes». Her interdisciplinary research is in the field of biological and physical sciences. Her research is devoted to studying the interaction of biological molecules by physical methods, using mathematical tools to develop new technology and software with the ability to perform systematic measurements of various data sets of biological interactions.
  • Kirill Kulikov
    Doctor of Habilitation, Mathematical Physics
    Received his Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics with «Mathematical Modeling of the Optical Properties of Multilayer Biological Systems and Structures in their Heterogeneous Conjugation» (2004) His Doctor of Science thesis title was «Analytical models of interaction of laser radiation with complex heterogeneous biological tissues» (2014). His research interests are theory diffraction theory, electrodynamics, physics of lasers, tissue optical methods of mathematical modeling in biological tissue optics and numerical method, biophysics.
“It is to be expected that the monograph will be of interest to researchers in the field of applied proteomics who possess an aptitude for mathematical modelling and numerical simulation.” (Nikola Popovic, zbMATH 1470.92004, 2021)

Address and additional contacts

Israel, Haifa


Ha-Nevi'im street 22

Phone: +972 53-382-6075


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