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Preliminary investigation and hypothesis analysis in various salt solutions

The correlations were performed on real solutions in a biochemical laboratory.
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preliminary investigation, hypothesis
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preliminary research, data analysis, preliminary analysis
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Physical data for calculations in salt solutions
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Comparison of experimental and calculated data for different amyloid peptide solutions.
Correlation analysis revealed that the maximum correlation between calculated and experimental data for salt-free solutions is achieved by monitoring the solution for 60h-70h hours.
Experimental results for various alpha synuclein peptides in salt-free and salt-containing solutions.
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preliminary research, data analysis, preliminary analysis, preliminary meaning, primary data, preliminary data meaning, preliminary investigation, hypothesis, secondary data

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The result of the correlation between the experimental and calculated values, after 50, 60, 70 hours of observation for mutant alpha synuclein peptides
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Correlation analysis between experimental and calculated data for salt solutions revealed an acceleration in achieving agreement between experimental and calculated data.

Study of alpha synucleins at different salt concentrations in aqueous solution, T2=20h, T3=30h.

and in water solution, T5=50h, T6=60h, T7=70h.
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Correlation levels are shown on the graph.
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