Free AI-platform for biochemical experimental data prognosis
Input mutations in Fabs/Epitope
The goal of the AI platform is to replace and reduce the number of intermediate in vitro experiments
Accuracy of calculations: a single Pdb file of interacting proteins
depends on the accuracy of the PDB files. Try to use accurate structures of molecular entities that interact and form a single structure in a single PDB file. Unnecessary fields just remain empty
Input your e-mail, research name, pdb files for wtPeptides (proteins)
Input information about mutations
now the calculated data will be sent to your email in the order of the queue.
If you need to introduce mutations into the protein or peptide being studied, then go to the next window to enter information about mutations in the protein.
Specify the protein number (if there is more than one), as well as the sequence number of the substitution and specify the amino acid residue
Wild Type
Input mutations in Peptide
Correlation between calculated lg(cond(W)) and experimental data [urea]50% at the required increased denaturant concentration
Input mutations in Peptide or protein
Examples of correlation graphs obtained from the interaction of mutant forms of a peptide and a protein.
The results of the experimental IC50 (a) and calculated values of lg(cond(W)) (c) ; the top graphs present the experimental results for MCL-1–Bax-BH3 (a) complexes, while the bottom graph show the results of numerical calculations for the same biological complexes namely MCL-1–Bax-BH3 (c)
[A Paradigm Shift in Experimental Biochemistry: A Priori Estimation of Physical Parameters of Biomolecules]
Proteins interaction
Input mutations in proteins
Examples of calculations in the form of a graph of biochemical reactions:
Input mutations in Protein
Scheme and numerical calculations of allosteric small chemical molecule interactions of the EGFR–EGFR dimer, JBJ-04-125-02, and AMP–PNP