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Online server under development.

Data platform for mutation calculations:
3D Dimer protein structure

Obtain a complete set of physical interaction parameters for a dimer of proteins that have contact through interacting domains.
An example of the PDB structure is given below on the page.
You can introduce mutations into one PDB or into both at once,
up to 4 mutations at the same time.
It is desirable that the mutations do not occur one after another, but are spaced and separated by other amino acid residues.
The server does not SEARCH FOR THE CONTACT AREA; it is assumed that the structure's PDB already contains this spatial information.

Start calculate Effects of Single Mutations
on Protein Stability right now!

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stay in touch with specialists, or cancel them at any time.

  1. Collection of materials,
  2. Technical assignment,
  3. Calculations up to N variants,
  4. Obtaining data
  5. Data processing,
  6. Sorting,
  7. Plotting graphs,
  8. Dependencies,
  9. Explanatory note for each calculation
  10. Starting with 50 mutations, machine learning methods will be applied.

If you need 200 mutations or more, then the price increases proportionally with a decreasing coefficient, i.e. the calculation of one mutation when ordering 200 mutations will be cheaper than the cost of 1 mutation when ordering 10 mutations.

Preliminary set
Small amount up to 10
Explanatory notes for each calculation
Order now
Second Set
Average amount up to 20
Calculations up to 20 variants.
Explanatory notes for each calculation
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Second Set
Average amount up to 50
Calculations up to 50 variants.
Explanatory notes for each calculation
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Input data

  • Load PDB file N1 for first protein structure,
  • select amount of mutaions,
  • Serial number of this a.a. in PDB file,
  • new indicates of a.a.
  • Load PDB file N2 for second protein structure
  • select amount of mutaions,
  • Serial number of this a.a. in PDB file,
  • new indicates of a.a.
InPut PDB N1 of protein srtucture
How much mutations in peptide N1 do you need?
The serial number of the substitution (mutation) of the amino acid residue according to the PDB file, if there are several substitutions, then write separated by a space
Indicate the new names of amino acid residues after their replacement for the missense mutation
InPut PDB N2 of protein srtucture
How much mutations in peptide do you need?
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Example of PDB file structure:
We will be very grateful for any possible assistance to the developer team!
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