We have developed a biophysical method to reduce the cost for antibody experiments in the fields of antibody-antigen, peptide-protein interaction, protein-protein interaction via data science.
Our method include:
-modification of antibody flexible chains,
-stepwise testing of each antibody to antigen,
-determination of key amino acid residues,
-range of changes in affinity.

B2B. Cost -saving technologies for laboratory experiments

Explanation of the biophysical model and Data Science

An antibody (Ab), also known as an immunoglobulin (Ig), is a large, Y-shaped protein produced mainly by plasma cells that is used by the immune system to neutralize pathogens such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Antibody development is the procedure of creating and characterizing an antibody. Below is a diagram of the biophysical model developed by us, which allows us to determine various parameters of the physical interaction of molecules and thus predict the change in the affinity and stability of the molecular complex thereby reducing the amount of costs for the experiment, increasing its informativeness

Our group developed an innovative method in biology for antibody-antigen development

Innovations, B2B, cancer, antibody, datascience, free download, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness
During the first half of the 20th century, a series of scientific discoveries resolved that antibody-mediated immunity is the cornerstone of the specific immune response. Since their first use as immunolabeling research tools in the early 1970s, antibody technologies have vastly improved, and antibodies have become critical tools for most areas of life science research. The basic principle of any immunochemical technique is that a specific antibody will combine with its specific antigen to generate an exclusive antibody-antigen complex.
Our group has developed an innovative research technique for such a complex using Data Science

Development of therapeutic antibodies for the treatment. Antibody development is a multi-faceted process and an experiment in itself. To assist in generating an immune response towards your antigen. With a unique range of antibody generation platforms, we offer custom monoclonal antibody development to accelerate your research and development.
Procedure for finding suitable immunoglobulins
Innovations, B2B, cancer, antibody, datascience, free download, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness
1.Determination of three-dimensional complex of the target protein with antibody flexible chain, which is subject to further modification. This should be at least one file with the extension of the PDB obtained by the method of X-ray diffraction analysis.
2.To control the received data, you can choose either of two options:
- you can use the additional structure of the PDB of antibody-antigen.
-take advantage of previously available data on the mutations performed, alanine scanning of one of the participants of the antibody-antigen complex

3.Our experts check files, adapt them for computational manipulations using Soft Development and Data Science.
4. Our specialists perform the necessary calculations: obtain data, numerically calculate the results in the form of graphs and diagrams, determine
-key amino acid residues of antibody,
-interaction energies of antibody-antigen complex,
-changes in affinity and stability of antibody-antigen complex,
-change in entropy for each replacement of the amino acid residue in the flexible chain of immunoglobulin.
5. Performing a verification series of calculations in accordance with paragraph 2
Innovations, B2B, cancer, antibody, datascience, free download, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness
Innovations, B2B, cancer, antibody, datascience, free download, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness
Innovations, B2B, cancer, antibody, datascience, free download, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness
6. Analysis of the array of data obtained, selection of the most suitable replacements using soft and Data Science, report generation.
7.Sending the received data to the customer.
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